Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung (IZFG)

  • Research Associate at HES-SO Haute École de Travail Social, Genève
  • PhD Candidate at IZFG of the University of Bern as part of the SNF Project, "Queer and Indigenous (Dis)encounters: Exploring Multiple Gender and Sexual Indigenous Identities in Plurinational Bolivia"
  • PhD Project: "Indigenous Talking Queer, Queer Talking Indigenous: The Experience of the Collective Maricas Bolivia in La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia"
  • 2018: Master in Latin American Studies, University of Bern
  • 2012: Lic. in Law, Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), Nicaragua
  • 2012: Diploma in Political Leadership, The George Washington University and Universidad Americana (UAM)

Thematic priorities

  • Queer Studies
  • Cuir
  • Gender Studies
  • Maricon
  • Indigenous
  • Ethnicity
  • Decolonization
  • Feelings and sex-affective Practices
  • Dissent
  • Latin America
  • Bolivia

Methodological priorities

  • Oral History
  • Discourse Analysis
  • Ethnographic Work
  • Semi-Structured Interviews
  • Swiss Anthropological Association (SAA)
  • Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS)